python,free,real python , source ,cources ,books
top 5 free source to Learn Python : 
sources to learn python the best way , to improve your skills in Hacking or Networking or web developing
before begin thanks for support ❤️
You can take the Paid way by buying some courses  but as you are still beginner i don't recommend that , so just start with Free courses and Books then after you feel good take some advanced courses paid in udemy or what ever . But now just read this and have fun in what you do .
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1-Learn Python Programming | Programiz

Learn Python Programming |Programiz

Learn Python Programming |Programiz

this website give a good way in basic stuff , he will help you to get a good comprehensive guide on how to get started in Python , he can help you in other language like C++,Java and more.
pleas click for go to the website : Progamiz 
they have an app : Programiz App 
some website like Programiz : digitalocean , w3school , tutorialspoint 

2-Python Programming Beginner Tutorials | Corey Schafer (Youtube) :

2-Python Programming Beginner Tutorials | Corey Schafer (Youtube)

this chanel help me a lot not in python also in Linux , if you learn already some basic of python so you will need some Python Libraries , this chanel will help you to learn OS,RegEx,Random and more , i think he use the book "automate you boring stuff with python"

3-thenewboston chanel : 


every new or old programmer or penetration tester must know this Chanel it have a lot of courses that will help you not in python . some courses in python :

4-AutomateboringstuffwithPython Book : 

5 free resources for beggin you way in python
automate your boring stuff with python

i already talk about this Book in this article How to learn Python from scratch  , this  book help me a lot , from the website book "If you've ever spent hours renaming files or updating hundreds of spreadsheet cells, you know how tedious tasks like these can be. But what if you could have your computer do them for you? " you can read about this book in his website here
you can download it from here : DOWNLOAD

5-Muhamed essa | Arabic Chanel :

this chanel for arabic student , this chanel cover all think in python from basic to networking to web to GUI
pleas click here : Muhamed essa
pleas if you get some useful ideas leave a motivated comment and share it with your friend and Family .