Try full Linux systems through your browser only ! |
as a new or old in Linux world you need to choose your Linux Distribution , but you need to test it after download it so what is the solution for that .
DistroTest offers more than 200+ (including various Linux formats and versions). These distributions are categorized in alphabetical order to facilitate access to any distribution you want to try.
Try Linux systems completely, directly and through the browser only and without any software. There are no restrictions on the use of public distributions listed on the site. You can use all system functions as you would in your local system. You can install and uninstall the software. You can test installed programs. Even delete or format your hard disk or system files.
just click in every Distro you want , let's choos Kali linux Distro and test it :
click in Kali Linux then choose your Kali Linux Envirement For me i will choose The First one and i will click start
wate some time i gess 1min or 2min then click open VNC-Viewer . then you will have windows wich you will remote controll Kali Linux
to visit this website just click here : DistroTest
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